JSC ESSPO is the leading manufacturer of ice melts in the markets of North Eastern and Central European region; it cooperates with the civil and military airports of 20 countries.
Customers trust a company of such scale and importance not only because of impeccable product quality but also because of especially efficiently managed chain of logistics which enables delivering the products accurately, safely and timely. The company’s flexibility, innovation and attention to the customers’ needs enable applying the most optimal solutions today and innovations for the future.
Nordway ice melts comply with all main international requirements for safety, effect on aircraft metals, environment, people, animals, aquatic organisms and coating surfaces. We perform the testing and certification of our products at:
- Scientific Material International Laboratory, USA, in accordance with AMS 1431 and AMS 1435 standards;
- VTI Institute, Sweden (impact on asphalt and concrete coatings);
- LIMA-AMIL, Canada (effectiveness of reagents);
- Institute of Toxicology and Environmental Hygiene, Germany (impact on soil, water, wastewater).